Reports man! Oh the joys of teaching. But as the masses collectively cry "look at all your holidays, man", I'll seek solace in a bottle!
10K threshold on the tready tonight - just wanted solid, even running and oddly (very oddly) the HR spiked at 192 (avg 156) but I got through in 37:25 and did what was left of 50 minutes as a recovery, so about 12.5 kms in total. No real discernible niggles, no dramas. I've got to get of this funk and get some consistency and routine. A double up tomorrow? We'll see.
10K threshold on the tready tonight - just wanted solid, even running and oddly (very oddly) the HR spiked at 192 (avg 156) but I got through in 37:25 and did what was left of 50 minutes as a recovery, so about 12.5 kms in total. No real discernible niggles, no dramas. I've got to get of this funk and get some consistency and routine. A double up tomorrow? We'll see.
Boston won the NBA championship 4 - 2, in the building Jen and I were in about 9 weeks ago. Kev's happy, he's got his Celtics hat...can't you tell?
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