Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's been a while...

But the load increased over the past two weeks.

In short: week ending 22/2/09 - 87 kms, including a 30K + long run & some solid effort work.
week ending 1/3/09 - 94 kms, including 31.5 km long run along Altona foreshore and again, some solid tempo work, where things are slowly getting better. Will I hit triple figs next week? unlikely, in light of the Weston Creek half marathon on Sunday taking out 10kms or so of running, but I could double up the Monday after with some easy work in Canberra and another run on arrival back in Melbourne town.

February - hmm. 253 kms run, 5 days missed (so 23 days of running). Racing? I don't remember. Excuses? school stress. Injuries/illness: migraines/severe headaches taking away 2 - 3 days training & time off school.

March - major races? 2. Weston Creek half + 15K in Werribee. Aims? more k's & two solid results, ideally sub 78 in Canberra & sub 55 in Werribee. 2:30 to 2:50 covered in long runs (early starts). Get on top of school caper.

1 comment:

Stu Mac said...

What is happening here??? No posts, not even during school holidays???

See you on Saturday!