Sunday, February 8, 2009

Head spinning, bad week

School's back, and I haven't adjusted.

Bad week for training - hoipefully can get back on track this week.
Monday - easy run through Newport + lakes. Good consistent effort, just over 4:00 m/km. 8.25 kms
Tuesday - Mona Fartlek on treadmill. 26 minutes of effort + 5 min. w/u + 5 min. c/d. 9.28 kms total - big effort, really struggled.
Wednesday - Friday: Off. Tried to find time to run, was mentaly buggered and trying to find balance between work & school. Friday morning I thought my head was exploding and woke up with a killer migraine and didn't make it to school (or the doctors for that matter), and knocked myself out with a dose of Panadeine Forte - god that stuff is strong.
Saturday - still feeling ordinary, I jumped on the wind trainer and did some spinning for 35 minutes + abs & weights. Managed to beat the heat.
Today - wanted to run very early, but didn't get out till 7:30. Ran 8.83 kms in 36:19, with a bit more effort in the last 5 minutes or so. HR to 155.

I may try a Mona Fartlek on the treadmill subject to my productivity with schoolwork, but a 26km week just isn't good leading into a marathon, but it's time to begin to strike the balance again.

v nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 - That was Jeff sitting on the keyboard - cheeky little shit he is!

1 comment:

Stu Mac said...

Too bad you couldn't visit the Customs Hotel on Friday night!

Have you considered the Milers 3000m on Thursday night??? Check out the VMC web site and register if you are interested, they will let you enter late...