Sunday, February 15, 2009

A bit better this week...

Only 74 kms, but more importantly, 5 runs during the school week and a change of plan re: post-school running. Being so close to Essendon/Aberfeldie, I'll down tools straight after school and run around the area, shower, get some photocopying done and get home just before tea and work at home afterwards...sounds great in theory.

The runs...
Tuesday - 11.6 kms, 8K of tempo. HR got above 170. Solid effort.
Wednesday - 11.1 in 45 minutes and change...again, felt strong and comfortable and moved well.
Thursday - 7 kms on the treadmill, incorporating 7 x 400 @ 19.0 km/h with 6 x 200 @ 14 km/h between reps, so 13.42 or thereabouts for the 4km, which is right near 5km pace (the aim of the session is similar to this). HR only peaked @ 167, meaning everything will need to speed up and I'll need to throw in another rep.
Saturday - run to & from gym + 8km tempo on treadmill in 28:55. HR got > 170 again. Time to make these 8's into 10's. Total run 14.5 kms.
Sunday - 29.5 (just need to take a few detours) in 2:09:35. Felt great, good weather help, didn't notice any breathing difficulties in light of the smog from the bushfires.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Head spinning, bad week

School's back, and I haven't adjusted.

Bad week for training - hoipefully can get back on track this week.
Monday - easy run through Newport + lakes. Good consistent effort, just over 4:00 m/km. 8.25 kms
Tuesday - Mona Fartlek on treadmill. 26 minutes of effort + 5 min. w/u + 5 min. c/d. 9.28 kms total - big effort, really struggled.
Wednesday - Friday: Off. Tried to find time to run, was mentaly buggered and trying to find balance between work & school. Friday morning I thought my head was exploding and woke up with a killer migraine and didn't make it to school (or the doctors for that matter), and knocked myself out with a dose of Panadeine Forte - god that stuff is strong.
Saturday - still feeling ordinary, I jumped on the wind trainer and did some spinning for 35 minutes + abs & weights. Managed to beat the heat.
Today - wanted to run very early, but didn't get out till 7:30. Ran 8.83 kms in 36:19, with a bit more effort in the last 5 minutes or so. HR to 155.

I may try a Mona Fartlek on the treadmill subject to my productivity with schoolwork, but a 26km week just isn't good leading into a marathon, but it's time to begin to strike the balance again.

v nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 - That was Jeff sitting on the keyboard - cheeky little shit he is!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

blame it on the heat...

School's back, weather's hot, running's just didn't happen this week.

Here goes...

Wednesday - off. First day back, too much to absorb at school, weather's too hot just and wanted to zonk out.
Thursday - session on the treadmill. 8 x 500 @ between 18.6 & 19.2 km/h, with a 150m walk/jog @ (app. 1 minute rest) between reps, warm & cool downs totalled 9km for session in 40 minutes. Got the heart rate up and not much else.

Friday - run through the lakes (2 lapper). 7.62 kms. Heavy in the legs, but was able to beat the heat (run in high 20's perhaps low 30's)

Saturday - race night. Not good, just didn't happen. 2:14 for the 800 & 3K was just under 10. Almost had a conversation with young Michael (teammate) during the race, it was too easier but with the HR peaking @ 174, I was doing a bit of work. With warming up and cooling down a total of about 11.6 kms.

Today - got up too late, legs & body felt flat from last night's late finish so I ended an ordinary week of running with a couple of laps of the Lakes rather than a 2hr + run, just to verify the week was a write-off. Having visitors over for a BBQ during the day + preparation for school also cut short.

The month:
Estimated kms - 416
days off: 3
Good - got to 30kms in long run, cracked 4:30 for 1500 twice. 100km weeks.
Bad - the last week.
Fatigue, visitors & school main interruptions.